
Welcome Parents: Partnering for Your Child’s Success

At Miami Edison Senior High School, we firmly believe that educating your child is a collaborative effort. Your involvement is crucial to your child’s academic and personal growth, and together, we can ensure they are prepared for college and beyond. Here’s how you can be an integral part of our educational village.

The Importance of Your Partnership

Your engagement in your child’s education significantly impacts their success. As a school, we provide the environment and resources, but your support at home is equally vital. By working together, we create a strong support system that helps your child thrive.

School Uniforms: Creating a Focused Learning Environment

Uniforms play an essential role in maintaining a focused and equitable learning environment. They help minimize distractions, promote school spirit, and prepare students for professional dress codes in the future. Learn more about our uniform policy here.

Understanding Your Rights: The Parent Bill of Rights

We value transparency and communication. The Parent Bill of Rights outlines your rights and responsibilities, ensuring you are fully informed and engaged in your child’s education. Read the Parent Bill of Rights here.

Contacting Teachers: Addressing Concerns and Questions

Open communication with teachers is key to addressing any concerns promptly. If you have any questions or need to discuss your child’s progress, here’s how you can contact our teachers.

Stay Informed: Join Our Mailing List

To stay up-to-date with school news, events, and important announcements, we encourage you to join our mailing list. Sign up for our mailing list here.

Stay Connected: Follow Our School Blog

Our school blog is a valuable resource for staying informed about what’s happening at [School Name]. From event updates to educational tips, our blog keeps you connected. Read our blog here.

Academic Structure: Understanding the Grading System

Our academic year is divided into four quarters, each lasting nine weeks. While grading methods may vary by teacher, you can always check your child’s progress through the Gradebook or directly communicate with their teacher. For instant updates, you can opt for text messaging with your child’s teacher. Learn more about our grading system and how to stay updated here.

Your Role in Your Child’s Education

Your involvement is crucial for your child’s success. By staying informed, maintaining open communication, and being actively engaged, you help create a supportive and thriving environment for your child. Together, we can ensure that every student at Miami Edison Senior High is ready for the challenges and opportunities of college and beyond.

Thank you for being a valued partner in your child’s education.