Welcome to miami edison senior high

Raising Our Standards To Secure A Brighter Future

At Miami Edison Senior High School, we believe in nurturing academic excellence, fostering creativity, and empowering our students to become leaders of tomorrow. Explore our vibrant community and discover the endless opportunities awaiting you.

Established since 1915

Miami Edison Senior High has grown into a diverse, thriving educational community, nurturing student success.

Introduction To M.E.S.H.

A good education is a foundation for a better future

Embracing quality education as the bedrock for shaping brighter futures, we empower students to thrive and succeed in a changing world.

Our Vision

Transforming minds, shaping futures. Miami Edison Senior High strives to cultivate resilient, innovative individuals prepared for success in an ever-changing world.

Our Mission

To provide a nurturing, inclusive environment where rigorous academics, community engagement, and real-world experiences empower students for lifelong success.

Our History

Miami Edison Senior High: Evolved from modest origins to a dynamic center for learning, opportunity, and community growth, shaping countless futures.

We Believe That Education Is An Important Aspect In Every Person’s Life

At our core, we champion the transformative power of education, fostering growth, curiosity, and success in every student’s journey.  Together, let’s build a brighter future.

Ready to Register? Questions about registration?

A High Achieving Multicultural Community For Learning

Join us in a vibrant, diverse community dedicated to raising the standard.  Our inclusive environment celebrates every culture, fostering academic success and personal growth for all students.

Nothing Beats Good Education For The Betterment Of A Student’s Future

At Miami Edison Senior High,  we believe that a solid education is the cornerstone of success.  Our dedicated teachers and innovative programs ensure each student is prepared for a bright and promising future.